
Level 4 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant

Essential for critical component applications, ultra-high sensitivity ZL-37 post-emulsifiable penetrant is designed for detecting fine, tight discontinuities in safety-critical components, such as titanium turbine components, and in high-stress parts, such as investment castings.

This Type 1 penetrant is non-water-soluble so there is minimal risk of washing ZL-37 penetrant from a fine or shallow defect which makes this penetrant inspection the most reliable, dependable form of PT testing. ZL-37 has a high flash point and provides long tank life when used in open dip tanks, but this penetrant can also be applied in a variety of other ways, including electrostatic spray.

ZL-37 can be removed with ZE-4E Method B lipophilic emulsifier or ZR-10E Method D hydrophilic emulsifier.

ZL-37 is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List and is approved for use by Pratt & Whitney.


Improve indication detection in the most critical applications

  • Creates the clearest, brightest indications for even the finest flaws due to very strong UV and thermal stability
  • Highest fluorescent brightness of any Level 4 penetrant for high-contrast indications that are easy for inspectors to see – even when the indications are very small
  • Indications stand out more since background fluorescence is minimized; emulsifiers only remove surface penetrant without the risk of over-washing

Maximize penetrant inspection process control

  • Prevents over-washing since ZL-37 cannot be removed with water (unless combined with an emulsifier)
  • Post Emulsifiable penetrant system is less susceptible to human error since only surface penetrant is removed in the final rinse stage

Wide range of inspections


  • Level 4 ultra-high sensitivity
  • Post emulsifiable
  • Bright, high-contrast indications
  • Resists over-washing or over-removal
  • High flash point
  • Wide range of application methods
  • Low odor
  • Very low toxicity
  • Alloy compatibility
  • Very high thermal resistance
  • Very high UV stability
  • High dye content
  • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
  • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney


Ordering Information

Aerosol can (case of 12)01-3188-78

5 gal / 18.9 L01-3188-40

20 gal / 75.7 L drum01-3188-30

55 gal / 208 L drum01-3188-45

Product Properties

NDT TypeFluorescent Penetrant Testing

Penetrant TypeType 1

Fluorescent Penetrant SensitivityLevel 4 - Ultra-High Sensitivity

Penetrant MethodsMethod B, Method C

Removal TypePost Emulsifiable

Required EquipmentUV light source


Ideal ApplicationAluminum, Detecting fine to very-fine discontinuities, Electrostatic spray, Finding wide, shallow flaws, High-stress parts, Immersion dip tank, Investment castings, Non-porous surfaces, Precision components, Safety-critical components, Smooth, machined surface finish, Titanium, Turbine engine blades, disks, etc.

Defect ExamplesFinished surface cracks, Porosity, Scratches, Seams


StandardsAECL, AMS 2644, ASME BPVC, ASTM E1417, Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4, Boeing PS-21202, ISO 3452, NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271, Pratt & Whitney PMC 4354, QPL SAE AMS 2644


Related Products

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  • ZP-9F


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  • ZR-10E


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  • ZE-4E


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  • EV6000


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